The New Ryan S-T for 1936
Article from Aero Digest - July 1936
l Ryan Aeronautical Co. is presenting for 1936 a New Ryan S-T series showing numerous refinements in design and improvements in performance. Three models are available, and all are being manufactured under approved type certificates 541 and 571. The Standard S-T is equipped with the 95 hp (1975 rpm) Menasco B4 engine, the S-T-A with the 125 hp (2175 rpm) Menasco C4, and the S-T-A Special with the 150 hp (2260 rpm) Menasco C4S supercharged engine.
The 150 hp series is the latest addition to the line, and due to its supercharged engine (described in more detail in an other article in this issue), offers a rate instantaneous adjustment to any one of climb of approximately- 1000 ft./min. three positions,- the control allowing the at more than 10,000 ft., and a cruising flap to be applied and released in the speed of 138 mph at 2000 ft.
Ryan S-Ts have always been equipped with full flaps, but an added feature on the new series is an improved flap control. A direct acting lever on the right side of the cockpit provides almost instantaneous adjustment to any one of three positions, the control allowing the flap to be applied and released in the same manner as a brake used on an automobile. With the former crank mechanism eliminated, the floor is clear.
A new tail wheel swivel lock has been provided as optional equipment. This device is controlled from the cockpit by a 3-in. lever at the base of the stick. In the locked position, the wheel is held rigidly in line, virtually eliminating the possibility of ground looping in cross winds or other adverse conditions.
Another optional feature is an auxiliary
Front view of the Ryan S-T powered by the 95 horsepower Menasco B4 inverted in-line engine